Monday, June 30, 2008

DIY Cakestands

I saw this idea on Design*Sponge about a month or so ago and I thought it was absolutely brilliant! What an inexpensive and resourceful way to decorate your wedding reception. There is a bit of a myth that you have to drop loads of cash to have a nice wedding. To me, being creative is the key to a unique wedding. These are just vases/candlesticks with plates glued on top.

I love them for a dessert table or as centerpieces on tables. What I'm imagining is taking some florist foam balls and putting flowers in them, like a flower ball? And placing them on top of these plates. How cute would that be? The ideas are pretty endless. If you start scouring yard sales and thift stores now you can make a bunch of these for under $20! So cute.

1 comment:

Nan said...

I've got some folks saving jars. Do you want me to have them to start looking for these kind of vases? I think I know where a bunch of these vases are now free for the taking if we haven't already pitched them. I will take a look. You are coming upi with some great ideas. Ms Martha's child. Martha had her wedding show on TV yesterday. Check out Darcy Miller's blog and Martha's new book Wedding Cakes. Great cake ideas! Also see if you can track down Cake Decorating in 1930's. They talked alot about that book.